Shooting on Twin Coasts

she090906-1she090906-2This holiday, the BeautifulYouth Project added two new shoots… one on each coast! While we vistied the beach with the lovely and talented Shelley, east-coast photographer Dex visited a gorgeous state park in the northeast with Jacob and Bryson.

Shelley’s shoot was on one of the most lovely beaches that California has to offer (you can see the same beach in Kopa’s first shoot)… unfortunately (!) the weather was absolutely wonderful, so it seemed that half of California’s population had also come to same beach. We toyed with the idea of choosing another beach, but eventually decided to shoot “around” the others there that day (we did get some onlookers, obviously wondering who this was in front of the camera!).
The shoot was wonderful; Shelley was, as always, poised and professional, and having a good time enjoying the weather and the waves.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABack east, our photographer Dex was running into the same fine-weather crowds! Jacob and Bryson were in good spirits, though Jacob admitted to staying out a bit late the night before (which led to some really interesting funny-face shots!). Dex reported that the shoot went well, and that Jacob and Bryson were fun to work with… even if it meant working around crowds.

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