Over the long weekend, we were lucky to shoot with one of our newer (and busiest) models, Olga. Scheduling has always been an activity of give-and-take with the BY models, but this time we were able to get a nice 2-hour slice of time in between shoots for two movies that Olga is currently working on. We met on a pleasant overcast day, in a park a few miles away from the set of one of the movies on which Olga is working. With her schedule, I was a bit worried about overtaxing her, but she arrived, excited and ready to shoot.
We explored some natural rock backdrops and the shoreline of the park’s lake, as we worked with sunflowers (one of my favorite props- so colourful!). Olga was energetic and had some ideas of her own that we explored as well. From there, we moved to a secluded area that features a beautiful man-made waterfall/fountain and shot with a lovely summer dress that Olga had brought for the occasion.
From there, we moved to a nearby freeway undercrossing for a more urban and sparse set.
A wonderful day of shooting with the very talented Olga!