Some People Just Don’t Get It

The wonderful (not) rinkori has posted on LiveJournal some very unflattering remarks on some of the BeautifulYouth Project photos I’ve posted on DeviantArt.

At 18 (and just back from the prom), she feels it is her civic duty to warn the world about the BeautifulYouth Project. All this regardless of the fact that she turns out R-to-X rated crap like this. She is upset that youth in the BY Project’s pictures are showing anything but the sensual blankness that the right wing tells us magically disappears on your 18th birthday. But what of her own work? What about this? If you want to get into “pedo vibes” as she mellifluously writes, doesn’t this one represent “pedo-lesbian-vibes” (of course I’m only joking… but using her own set of standards to point out her hypocrisy)? In fact most of her nude, or “mature” art was posted before her own 18th birthday (4/17/07). So, by her standards then, she shouldn’t have even been able to conceive of anything nude or “mature” before then!

Another example here.
And here.
Here and here.
And this one is called “Ink Boy”. Wouldn’t it be more PC to call it “Ink Man”? Or maybe it is a boy.

Which all makes me think that she believes this type of expression is all fine and good, as long as you’re just drawing, and not photographing anything. If I put my models in some of the positions of this hypocrite’s art (which I wouldn’t dream of doing), she might have a point about her not wanting to trust me with any children. Otherwise, I would hope that she would grow up and, in the meantime, shut up.

BTW… how old are these models?

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