Congratulations to three BY Project models who have recently hit milestones!
First, Sahara has reached her 1,000th catalog shot. Sahara, whose quiet earthy beauty has transformed through the years, has been a mainstay with the project since 2003. We’re lucky to have been involved with such a wonderful model for so many years
Jennifer Valeria is celebrating her 500th catalog shot. Still active with the project (she’ll be returning as one of our models in 2012), Jennifer exudes a professionalism and sense of fun! She’s one of the most photogenic models ever to grace the BY Project, and we look forward to working with her more!
Finally, Jacob is celebrating his 1,000th catalog shot. From his first shoot in 2003, Jacob has had that something “extra” for the camera, and, even as we’ve followed him across the years and across the country, we’re very proud of the body of work that Jacob has created with the project!