Tag: milestone

Tal Reaches 1250 Milestone

We’d like to take a moment to honor BeautifulYouth Project model Tal, who recently reached the milestone of her 1,250th catalog shot (see below right).  Through the years, Tal has always given us shoots with the best of fashion.  Her…

Group Shots Reach 4,000 Milestone!

BeautifulYouth Project Models Colton and James S

As we’ve said before, some of the best shots we’ve taken at the BeautifulYouth Project happen when 2 or more models collaborate for a group shot.  We’re happy to announce that our “Group” collection has reached its 4,000th catalog shot…

Theo Hits 250 Milestone

We’re proud to announce that midwest BeautifulYouth Project model Theo has reached the milestone of his 250th catalog shot (at left).  We’re always excited to see what fun stuff Theo and our midwest photographers, Dex and Cole, come up with,…