Author: aquaria


Happy New Year to all. I’d like to take the first of the year to congratulate another model for a milestone in their BY catalog series. Buzz has reached catalog number 250, shown here. Congratulations to Buzz, who, when he…

The Poorly Read Blogger

Ahh… I must admit that I have very little time to scour the net in search of links and other blog ideas to point at from the BY Blog. So, I’m asking for help. If you run across something that…

The happy people

Some quotes from my mail this week to offset the others (pictures accompany the comments). “love the blog its going well, I think your dong well.just wanted to ask if you would put up the picture jake 0024″ “Loved the…

Ouch- My bad.

Had a patron write a farewell letter this week. While the patronage exists as a way for fans of the project (who appreciate the artwork they see in the galleries) to help keep things going, I was taken a little…

Favorite Shoot?- Girls’ Turn

OK… so, perhaps, yesterday, I unfairly left our talented female models out of the list of favorite shoots, so I wanted to make a special post to highlight some of the best shoots that have featured BeautifulYouth’s outstanding female models.…

Favorite Shoot?

One question that has come in more than once is “Of all the shoots you’ve done, which is your favorite?” or a variation on that theme. That’s kind of a tough one… I guess there could be two answers… one…

Courtney – New Shoot

This past weekend, Courtney did her 12th shoot for the BeautifulYouth project. Although we’d been experiencing milder weather than normal, the day was beautiful and was warmer than the weather-guessers’ expectations. Since Courtney is now 17 (she will turn 18…

You Got Questions?

The thought behind this blog is not merely to editorialize (though I’m sure there will be plenty of that!). But all great writing comes from questions answered, so if you have questions about the BeautifulYouth project, models, process, or anything…


A note to say that Courtney has entered her 1,500th photo into the BY catalog (shown at left). Congratulations Courtney!

numa NUMA WHAT??!!?

Ok, I just may be living in a vacuum somewhere, cos I just discovered the NUMA tonight.The ORIGINAL version is pretty dang funny.So is this one.This one is just cute. I’m sure this would get annoying after awhile, but, for…